Seven Circles

Seven Circles
The One True Hell
The singular being that is Lord Sathax rules the vast legions of devilkind, who seek to deceive and rule mortal life and eliminate all weaker beings from the multiverse. On the Patchwork Planet of Porphyra, devilkind had even less presence on that world than the hated demons with their blaspheming city of Bhaal-Aak, and any dark lore that might have summoned devils was actively sought out and repressed by the chaos-loving erkunae.
Category Realms Beyond
Gravity normal
Time normal
Realm immeasurable
Structural lasting
Essence mixed
Magic enchantment (extended), healing (requires caster check DC 20)
Core Divinities Lord Sathax
Other Divinities Duchess Hadriel, Duke Ibolis, Duke Mastema, Duke Melektus, Prince Kram-Hotep, The Chained Queen
Outsiders achaierai, cerberi, devil, hellcat, hell hound, wisagatcak
Petitioners the tormented (damned figures with countless scars)

  • Qualities immunity to fire (but not to the pain of burning)

Monsters of the Seven Circles

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